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Scale Your Business and

Have Fun Doing It

breakthrough revenue plateaus, stop the inconsistent yo-yo of company finances, and quit working yourself to death!

(without implementing another marketing or money-making strategy, posting more on social media, or spending a fortune on advertising)

5 Keys to switch careers-career change
free guide

Grow Your Business and

LOVE Doing it

with 3 secrets the business gurus never talk about

In fact, many of them secretly burn out and have to do this!



Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs don’t experience their business that way. You might be one of them.

You want to grow your business, but no matter what you do you can’t seem to get where you want to be. And it seems like the harder you try, the more miserable you get.

career transition coach Genea Barnes

You may be experiencing one or all of the following things:

  • Hitting revenue and profit plateaus that you can’t break no matter how hard you work
  • Company finances are unstable, unpredictable, or stuck in a feast-or-famine cycle. 
  • Growing the business is stressing you out and taking a toll on your health, relationships, and well-being. 
  • Sure-fire strategies are NOT working for YOU and YOUR business (even though you’ve done it “right” and followed the rules) 
  • No matter how much you get done, it feels like you’re playing catch-up and will never get ahead.
  • When things are great … money’s in the bank, and everything’s working perfectly, you feel like you can’t trust it.

The truth is, you can use the best strategies, have the best people to help you, follow all the rules, and still not get the money, freedom, and enjoyment you want. 


It’s just that nobody teaches you how to expand your Success Zone, which is what you need to make all those other things work.

Very few entrepreneurs ever expand their Success Zone wide enough to get the success they want. 

In fact, only 1.5% of them will consistently make $500K revenue/year and only 0.2% will make $1M revenue/year

The entrepreneurs who’ve done it (gotten the money, freedom, and enjoyment), can’t teach you how to do it because they figured it out by accident. 

They endured years and years of struggle and obstacles. And then one day it all clicked into place.

They think it’s because they found the perfect new strategy. But that’s not it. 

Everything started working because they expanded their success zone wide enough to hold the success they wanted. 

And they didn’t even know that’s what they were doing.

And even if they tried to teach you, they’d fail. Because what is needed to expand a success zone is unique for each person. What works for them, will not be what works for you. 

When you expand your success zone, scaling your business becomes easy – AND FUN! 

  • Your business grows at a steady and consistent rate.
  • You bring in more money while working less and using fewer strategies.
  • You instantly know what’s best for your business at every stage of growth – no second-guessing or doubting decisions 
  • It’s easy to stay focused on what drives your business forward and creates results (say goodbye to distractions, shiny object syndrome, and procrastination). 
  • You have the time to work on the projects that matter and your big vision becomes a reality.

You can succeed in business without expanding your success zone, but you probably won’t enjoy it. The ups and downs never end, causing most entrepreneurs to burn out. Or their lives become consumed by work, chipping away at their relationships, health, wellness, and happiness. 

I don’t want that for you. 

That’s why I offer complimentary Level Up calls to show you how to expand your Success Zone. So that your business starts working how you want it to. You’ll have fun and make money without selling your soul or your well-being to do it. 

During the call, we’ll assess where you are now, and break down what’s stopping you from getting where you want to be.

Then you’ll get a personalized blueprint, based on my Be the Wolf signature program. You’ll leave knowing how to expand your Success Zone, scale your business, and have fun doing it.


“My consulting business has grown over 150% – 200%. ”  – Ann

“Our sales went from stagnant to steadily increasing.”  – Jason

“I started seeing such abundance that I never saw before.”  – Tracy

career transition coach Genea Barnes

Hi, I’m Genea!

You should know that I wasn’t always a happy, successful entrepreneur. 

Even though I successfully ran other people’s businesses for years, my first two businesses failed. And although my clients were very happy, my coaching business was in massive debt and on the verge of failure. 

I was working so hard and doing everything my coaches and the business gurus told me to do, but none of it was working. They couldn’t understand how I could be so good at what they taught me and still fail.

The frustration was next-level, and there were so many punch-the-wall, ugly-cry, and scream-into-pillow meltdowns.

I didn’t know that my Success Zone was too small for the success I wanted. But once I cracked the code to expanding my Success Zone, my business stabilized and started growing.  I paid off my debt in a few short months, my income doubled, tripled, and continued to expand.

And my entrepreneur clients started having the same success I did. All while working less and using fewer strategies. 

So I tailored my signature program to work specifically for entrepreneurs. 

And over the years, I’ve helped hundreds of people take their businesses and lives to the next level. Getting them the financial breakthroughs, time freedom, and enjoyment they deserve.

I  believe that when you unleash the power of YOU (the real you – the one who has fun running your business), humanity evolves.

5 Keys to switch careers-career change
free guide

Grow Your Business and

LOVE Doing it

with 3 secrets the business gurus never talk about

In fact, many of them secretly burn out and have to do this!


On the Podcast

Be the wolf podcast with career transition coach Genea Barnes

This is a must-listen if you’re an entrepreneur determined to carve your own unique path to success. 

Being the wolf means moving from the most authentic and powerful expression of who you are in life and business (even when others don’t like it). It’s where satisfaction, fulfillment, and true happiness are found. And it’s where the wildest dreams become a reality. 

Join Genea Barnes and inspiring guests for deep-dive conversations on topics that can make or break your business. No topic is off-limits. We’ll talk leadership, strategy, revenue, profit, goals, wellness, employees, self-sabotage, marketing, stress, self-esteem, decision-making, growth, impact, brand development, self-doubt, DEI, company culture, purpose, sales, and more. If it can affect your business, we’ll talk about it.

~ When you unleash the power of YOU, humanity evolves ~

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