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My consulting business has grown over 150% – 200%.

“My consulting business has grown over 150% – 200%. And what I mean is that I just landed a $85,000 contract. And a second contract for $40,000. And it felt easy, it felt like a smooth process. Rather than, I have to do this contract because I need this money to survive.”

– Ann

I have so much more creativity and love for my business.

“I feel free. I have so much more creativity and love for my business and excitement and energy. I have the ability to decide for myself what is best and then step into it. And that freedom has opened up a whole new world in my business.”

– Riah

Our sales went from stagnant to steadily increasing.

“Our sales went from stagnant to steadily increasing and occasionally booming, leading to a 25 percent increase in revenue compared with the previous year.

My relationships became more pleasant, and my management was more effective. Communicating and understanding improved to an all-time high. I got to a point where we had a structured system in place running like a well-oiled machine.

– Jason

I definitely feel more motivated to do the things I need to do for my business, to build my business, and to get things done.

“Self sabotage showed up for me as procrastination and a lot of doubt which kept me from doing the things I really wanted to do. I convinced myself that the work I was called to do couldn’t be successful. So I would avoid doing it, even though there was a strong drive within me to do it, I found excuses not to do it.”

– Jerome

And that was honestly the best present I could have given myself, not only this year, but in my whole entire life.

I would work 12/13 hours a day, and anything outside of work didn’t matter. That’s all I would do. Day in, day out, day in, day out. Would never give myself a break.

I’d just crawl into bed, completely disappointed with myself and how much I wasn’t able to accomplish that day

I am so much nicer to myself. I am so much nicer to other people. I’m more of a joy to be around. That was honestly the best present I could have ever given myself. Not only this year but in my whole entire life.

– Lara

I started seeing such abundance that I never saw before.

“Genea really helped me get clear on what were the most important aspects. What were the things that really didn’t matter that I thought did matter at the time?

Just trying to come up with a priority list of the most important things was really difficult. I thought they were all important. Turns out they’re not.

Once Genea helped me make that connection, I started seeing such abundance that I never saw before.”

– Tracy

I came out (of the program) a completely transformed person.

“I want to talk about a very proud moment. I definitely did a really good job at establishing boundaries with this new client and I’m so proud and I feel really empowered. When I got on the phone with this client she essentially she wanted me to give up my a part of my commission and compensate her.

Well, this isn’t the first time I’ve run into this situation before. And long story short, we agreed to move forward with me getting my full commission. Old me would have never, old me would have definitely just catered to this person’s needs and just completely, probably lost control.”

– Vanesa